
In the implementation of therapy the bioenergy therapist, apart from their hands as the main working tool, uses techniques prescribed by the method.
The techniques in essence represent mechanical art and applied knowledge, a way in which to perform, i.e. reach an objective.
In bioenergy therapy treatment the therapist uses techniques to process energy and the patient's biofield. Depending on the patient's condition and the determined diagnosis, the therapist uses different techniques, the application of which is determined by the rules of the method.
The dynamics, rhythm, number and way of performing an individual technique, i.e. the appropriate implementation of the techniques, is the duty of each therapist due to practical, performance but also ethical reasons.
The scientifically tested, but also confirmed in years-long practice success of the method, recognisability, is based on the techniques and their appropriate implementation.
The ethical aspect of an appropriate implementation is reflected in respecting dignity and integrity of the patient, but also professional integrity of the therapist who represents himself/herself, his or her colleagues, method and the author and founder of the Zdenko Domančić® Method.

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