Application form

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Registration for:


All your information, which you submit in any way to the company DOMANČIĆ, storitve, d.o.o., including personal data (ie all data relating to a specific or identifiable individual, eg name, surname, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth), which the company and association are collecting for the purpose of performing their biotherapy activities, managment and processing,
• company DOMANČIĆ, storitve, d.o.o., Parmova ulica 53, 1000 Ljubljana, MŠ: 8218242000, DŠ: SI 95971220
as a common managers in accordance with Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (eu) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/ES (further referred as: »GDPR«).
Contact information of company are: 040 233 571 (mobile), (e-mail)
Person responsible for data protection: Tanja Domančić
I hereby declare that I agree to the collection and processing of my personal data in accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP) and Article 6 of the GDPR, for the purpose of occasional delivery of promotional materials, notices and offers by e-mail (the so-called "newsletter"), which informs us about new services and terms of events by the company Domančić doo contact email:
I agree

All your information, which you submit in any way to the company DOMANČIĆ, storitve, d.o.o. including personal data (ie all data relating to a specific or identifiable individual, eg name, surname, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth), which the company and association are collecting for the purpose of performing their biotherapy activities, managment and processing,

• company DOMANČIĆ, storitve, d.o.o., Parmova ulica 53, 1000 Ljubljana, matična številka: 8218242000, davčna številka: SI 95971220 (further referred as : „DOMANČIĆ d.o.o.“ or „company“)

as a common managers in accordance with Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (eu) no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/ES (further referred as: »GDPR«).

Contact information of company are: 040 233 571 (mobile), (e-mail)
Person responsible for data protection: Tanja Domančić

a) the purpose of collecting personal data and the legal basis for collection

DOMANČIĆ d.o.o. collect the following personal data of the participants (course): name and surname, date of birth, address of residence, telephone or GSM and e-mail address.

DOMANČIĆ d.o.o. may verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by inspecting the identity document or other relevant public document of the individual to whom they relate before entering the personal data collection. For the accuracy and accuracy of personal data, the individual who provided the personal data is responsible and guarantee and is liable to the company / company for the damage caused by the incorrect provision of information.

The Company need the collected personal data to carry out their education activities in the field of biotherapy and do not use them for other purposes than for keeping a record (name, surname) of the individual who participates in the training (course), informing the individual about the date and location of the course contact information - address, telephone, e-mail), providing all necessary materials and data related to courses (contact details - address, telephone, e-mail), preparation and issuance of all necessary documents and certificates related to the course , surname, date of birth, address).

Legal bases for collecting personal data are:
- legal interests of the company,
- fulfillment of the agreement (contract) between the individual applying for education and the company
- the consent of the individual.

b) Use of collected personal data and their transfer

The Company undertake to use the above mentioned data exclusively for internal use, for the purpose of carrying out the training (course), insight into the individual's needs and understanding, identifying the requirements of the participants and in order to adapt the services according to the properties individuals. The Company will not use any of the acquired data for any purpose other than the one for which it was collected and listed in this Statement or other documents received by the individual. The Company will not sell, exchange or otherwise transfer information to any third party except in cases where the law, the judicial or other official bodies so require.

Personal data are not transferred to third countries or international organizations. The Managers may also transmit collected personal data to his contractual processors who process this data solely in the context of the operator's instructions and authorizations and who, by written agreement concluded with the operator (a), are committed to ensuring an adequate level of protection of personal data.

c) The period of retention of personal data

Personal data collected by the Company in relation to an individual who will or has passed the individual course, they are kept permanently, in order to keep records of the level of the completed courses by the participant, which at the same time enables the individual to apply for education at a one level higher level than previous completed. If an individual wishes to delete his records from the record of the course participants in the Company , then the Company will delete its personal data after receiving such request without the possibility of their reinstatement. In this case, the individual will not be able to argue and prove that the course of a certain degree has already been attended and he will have to start again at Level 1 on the re-enrollment request. 

d) Possible rejection of the personal data transfer

The Company need the above personal data in order to be able to carry out their activities and to be able to accept the interested individual on the course, provide them with the necessary materials and data, and issue the necessary documents and certificates regarding the course. Giving the above personal data is voluntary, but if the individual does not provide his/her personal data, he/she can not validly apply for the course and attend it.

e) Individual Rights

An individual who provided his/her information to The Company can, at any time, by the means of the telephone call to number of the manager +386 40 233 571 or the e-mail address, request access to collected personal data, rewrite, copy, update or correction of personal data, blocking or deleting personal data, restrictions on the processing of personal data, the transfer of personal data, and an objection to the processing of personal data. When exercising an objection, an individual shall state the reasons why personal data may no longer be processed as they were until the moment of giving the contract. In the event of a justified opposition by an individual, The Company  will verify the actual situation and stop processing the data, adapt it or inform the individual about the necessary legitimate reasons, which may result in The Company  proceeding on the basis of the law through processing. If he considers that the rules on the protection of personal data are violated, an individual can file an application for an infringement with the information officer of the Republic of Slovenia, using the form available on his / her website ( When reporting violations, the submission of objections, comments or questions, individuals are not obliged to provide their personal data, but, if the individual does not indicate his contact details, the manager will not be able to contact him regarding the exercise of his rights.

By signing this declaration, in accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP) and Article 6 of the GDPR, you acknowledge that you consent to the collection of your personal information mentioned above, that you are aware of the purpose of processing personal data and your rights.

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