In collaboration with traditional medical therapy forms it covers a wide range of effects, from prevention to treatment of all physical and psychological diseases.
Each cell in our body is surrounded and supported by energy, which, among other things, has a role of miniature network that enables transference of data for the construction of the physical body as well as the connection between our physical, emotional and spiritual being. The fundamental principle on which this form of therapy is based is that at the time we are physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy and satisfied, the energy of our body (bioenergy) flows freely and helps us maintain our health. Stress, injury, disease and/or emotional breakdown can cause disturbance in the flow.
Therapists of the Zdenko Domančić Method of Bioenergy Therapy® dealing with bioenergy therapy mostly use an increased sensitivity of their hands to examine the energy field surrounding the body or the diseased area inside the body to determine where there is a flow of energy, and where it is blocked. After that they simply work on removing the disturbances and renewing the healing energy flow in the bioenergy field. This enables the body to initiate its self-healing mechanisms.
The Zdenko Domančić Method of Bioenergy Therapy® was named after its founder, a person who has been globally renowned for his work and results. After a series of proofs worldwide, the success of the method was proven at the most severely ill in the contemporary world.